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Drug-Impaired Driving

Brooklyn Impaired Driving Lawyers Fight to Hold Substance-Using Motorists Liable

Reliable advocates for victims of drivers impaired by drugs in New York

When drivers impaired by drug use cause car accidents, their victims deserve compensation for the injuries they suffer. If you’ve been hurt by someone who got behind the wheel affected by a controlled substance or prescription medication, trust the Brooklyn drug-impaired driving lawyers of Goldberg Sager & Associates. We provide the strong and reliable representation you need to obtain the compensation you deserve.

What is considered impaired driving in New York?

New York law defines impaired driving as operating a motor vehicle while your ability to drive as a reasonable and prudent person is impaired to any extent by alcohol, drugs or both. Though many efforts to reduce drunk driving accidents have had a positive effect, legalization of cannabis and increased used of medications such as Ambien heighten the threat of impaired driving. If you’re injured in an accident with an impaired driver, we’re ready to represent you in a lawsuit against them.

Marijuana and driving in New York

It’s true that possession of marijuana for personal use is now legal in New York, but that still won’t excuse driving while impaired by cannabis. On the other hand, a passenger may be impaired by marijuana without incurring any liability, as long as they don’t try to interfere with the driver’s ability to operate the vehicle. If you’re injured by a motorist you believe was affected by their marijuana use, we can review the circumstances in detail to assess whether this can be proven in court. 

Signs a driver is impaired

It’s important for you to know when you or another driver is impaired. Signs of impairment include:

  • Fast acceleration or deceleration
  • Tailgating
  • Weaving
  • Stopping without cause
  • Switching lanes for no reason

If you see signs of impairment, try to avoid the impaired driver. If you’re injured in an accident with them, seek medical attention and then consult with a personal injury attorney. We are ready to help.

Gathering evidence for an accident caused by drug impairment in Brooklyn

An important part of proving a drug-impaired accident case is showing that the defendant driver was indeed compromised by the substance they ingested. Hit and run accidents are commonly associated with impaired motorists who flee the scene in order to avoid being arrested. In addition to analyzing the accident itself for signs of drug impairment, we look for evidence of the driver’s history of drug use and similar examples of dangerous behavior. We also consult with expert witnesses to help us establish the relationship between the defendant’s drug use and the negligence that caused the accident.

Compensation available for victims of drug impaired drivers

If you’re injured in a car accident with a drug impaired driver, we will seek compensation for your out-of-pocket costs, such as medical, hospital, rehabilitative and caregiving expenses, as well as your loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional distress and diminished enjoyment of life. In rare cases, punitive damages are awarded beyond the amount needed to compensate you for your losses so that the defendant is punished for their willful or wanton behavior. We will seek to maximize the amount you recover in a judgment or settlement.

Contact an aggressive New York impaired driving accident attorney

Goldberg Sager & Associates in Brooklyn seeks compensation for New Yorkers injured in accidents involving drug-impaired drivers. If you have been hurt by someone whose ability to operate a vehicle was compromised by a particular substance, please call 718-514-9516 or contact us online

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  • Brooklyn Office
    1628 Kings Highway at East 17th Street
    Brooklyn, New York 11229
    Phone: 718-645-6677