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Pedestrian Knockdown

Brooklyn Attorneys Pursue Damage Claims for Pedestrian Knockdowns

Aggressive litigators represent New Yorkers who are struck by cars while walking

The sidewalks and crosswalks of Brooklyn and other parts of New York City are teeming with pedestrians. Unfortunately, they are at risk from aggressive and careless drivers whenever they cross or stand near the curb. For instance, in the four calendar years from 2013 through 2016, more than 13,000 pedestrians were injured and 142 were killed in accidents in Brooklyn alone. At Goldberg Sager & Associates, we understand the danger New York pedestrians face on a regular basis and have more than 50 years of combined experience representing them and their loved ones in lawsuits to seek damages caused by the negligence of motorists.

What are the causes of pedestrian accidents?

Pedestrian accidents can be caused by several different types of negligent driving, such as:

  • Failure to stop at an intersection — Drivers who fail to stop for a stop sign or red light endanger pedestrians lawfully crossing the street.
  • Careless turns — Even when drivers have the right of way at an intersection, they need to look before they turn or risk hitting pedestrians crossing the street onto which they are turning.
  • Speeding — Whether drivers exceed the speed limit or drive too fast for conditions, they risk being unable to stop in time to prevent tragedy and may even lose control of their vehicle and jump the curb.
  • Distracted driving — Drivers who handle their cell phones or other devices while driving or are otherwise distracted behind the wheel might not see pedestrians and could drift onto sidewalks.
  • Driving under the influence — A motorist who is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs may lack the judgment and ability to operate their vehicle safely and therefore pose a risk to anyone in their vicinity.

If you’ve been hit by a car while walking, we will investigate what caused your accident, determine who is at fault, develop a plan to prove what happened and bring claims for your damages against the liable parties and insurers.

What happens if the pedestrian is partly at fault?

Sometimes, the pedestrian can be partly at fault for their injury. They might have been crossing the street without using a crosswalk or not watching out for traffic. In that case, the jury can assign percentages of responsibility to both the pedestrian and the driver. The damages incurred by the plaintiff are reduced in proportion to the pedestrian’s share of fault. Even if the driver only bears a small share of blame, the pedestrian may still recover some damages. Nevertheless, we work to minimize our clients’ share of liability by demonstrating how the defendant caused the pedestrian injury.

What kind of injuries can pedestrians suffer in motor vehicle accidents?

Pedestrians can suffer many different kinds of serious harm when they’re hit by a vehicle, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Concussions and other head trauma
  • Spinal injuries
  • Amputations
  • Loss or impairment of the ability to use arms, legs or other body parts
  • Death

If an injured pedestrian is covered by auto insurance, they might not be able to sue the driver unless they suffer a serious injury, and will instead need to seek compensation from their own insurance company. However, pedestrians who are not covered by auto insurance may sue the driver regardless of the seriousness of the injury. If we represent you, we will document your injuries and sue for all damages traceable to the accident.

Experienced attorneys provide free consultations to injured pedestrians

Goldberg Sager & Associates represents pedestrian accident victims and other people who have been hurt in vehicle crashes. Please contact us online or call us at 718-514-9516 for a free consultation with an experienced Brooklyn personal injury attorney.

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Our Office
  • Brooklyn Office
    1628 Kings Highway at East 17th Street
    Brooklyn, New York 11229
    Phone: 718-645-6677