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1628 Kings Highway at East 17th Street | Brooklyn, New York 11229
Available 24/7 718-514-9516
Subway Accidents

Experienced Brooklyn Subway Accident Lawyers  

New York City attorneys help victims of train accidents

Millions of people ride subways in our city every day, trusting the Metropolitan Transit Authority to get them where they need to go safely. When accidents happen and passengers or pedestrians are injured, victims often require expensive medical care and arduous rehabilitation to recover. At Goldberg Sager & Associates in Brooklyn, our New York City subway accident lawyers represent individuals who have been hurt while riding in cars or when they are in the station or on the platform. 

Common causes of subway accidents in New York

Subway accidents can occur for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • A careless subway operator
  • Speeding
  • Poor maintenance
  • Unsafe equipment
  • Unsafe entries and exits
  • Brake failure
  • Weather
  • Derailment
  • Lack of security

As part of our representation of subway accident victims, we investigate the cause of each accident and gather various types of evidence indicating negligence, including expert testimony, so that we can build the strongest case for liability possible against the MTA and anyone else who might be at fault.

How passengers typically get injured on a subway

Subway injuries can occur in a number of ways, including:

  • Crashes
  • Sudden stops
  • Slippery flooring
  • Poor lighting
  • Door closings
  • Overloading
  • On- and off-boarding
  • Crime

As part of our investigation, we determine not only why a subway accident occurred but the specific effects a plaintiff experienced and will experience as a result. Often, this persuades the defendant to make a substantial settlement offer to avoid losing at trial. If the case goes to court, our attorneys will make the strongest possible case to the jury.

Common injuries from subway accidents

Injuries frequently suffered by subway accident victims include the following:

  • Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Neck, back, and spine injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Strained and torn muscles and ligaments

We seek maximum compensation from the liable parties in personal injury and wrongful death claims for the harm stemming from accidents on trains and elsewhere on MTA property.

Filing a claim against the NYC subway system

If you have been injured in an accident on a New York City subway, you must file your notice of claim with the MTA or any other potentially liable government entity within 90 days of the accident. Otherwise, your claim may be barred. You should retain an experienced attorney as soon as possible after a subway accident in order to preserve your rights.

Compensation you can recover as a Brooklyn subway accident victim

If you are injured in a New York City subway accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress and how your injuries affected your ability to enjoy life. If we represent you in a subway accident case, we will seek the maximum amount of compensation in a verdict or settlement. 

Contact an accomplished New York City subway accident attorney

Goldberg Sager & Associates advocates for people hurt in subway accidents throughout New York City. To discuss your legal options, please call 718-514-9516 or contact us online. Our office is in Brooklyn.   

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Our Office
  • Brooklyn Office
    1628 Kings Highway at East 17th Street
    Brooklyn, New York 11229
    Phone: 718-645-6677